Cost Control

How Much Does Your Organisation Rely Upon Computer Systems In Order To Operate?

What Would You Do If Your Computer System Failed?

Would You Be Able To Access Vital Information, Serve Your Customers And Keep Your Organisation Working Efficiently?

Omneity, a technology support company operating in the Bridgend area of South Wales, is available to provide hands-on support and maintenance services for your organisation’s Information Technology infrastructure. Omneity is a local, direct, cost-effective and time efficient solution to the maintenance, support and development of your computer network and computer systems. As an independent supplier of IT services Omneity offers impartial, unbiased advice in a service-driven not sales-driven environment.

Omneity Offers Realistic Support At A Realistic Price.

By Keeping IT Simple I’ll Keep Your Organisation Working: Whatever your support requirements, an on-site visit is often the most effective way to help identify the appropriate service for your organisation. I can spend time with you or your staff helping you get the most from your IT investment.

Don’t Wait For The Computer Lights To Go Out Before You Act: Please contact me to arrange an on-site visit or obtain a no-obligation quotation. Telephone: 01656 766170 Mobile: 07740 864764